Melton Toyota Lifecycle Check-Up
Cars are expensive items, so it makes sense to help you understand where your vehicle is at it in terms of its current value and future costs, to help you decide when the most financially beneficial time to consider changing your vehicle might be.
A Lifecycle Check-Up is Quick, Easy and FREE
Best time to change your vehicle
Our Lifestyle Check-up helps you understand where your vehicle is at in it’s lifecycle. This includes your vehicle’s residual value, projected future costs (once capped price servicing expires), as well as current vehicle repayments. With this information, we can help you decide when the most financially beneficial time to consider changing or upgrading may be.
Upgrading may be cheaper than you think
Often, people don’t even realise that upgrading to that bigger model, or new-spec vehicle with Toyota Access may even lower their vehicle repayments! With TSA Capped Price Servicing and the decreased running costs of a new model vehicle, swapping into a new vehicle has never been more attainable!